All activities will be held behind the Taos County courthouse off Albright Street unless otherwise stated.


Free tethered balloon rides for school kids 7am until 9am

Meet, greet, eat and dance with the pilots and crews @ Daleee located at KTAOS 6pm


Morning Mass Ascension around sunrise 7am

Coffee, food and art vendors sunrise until 10am then 3pm to 8pm

Ballooning education class 10:30 am

Live Music

Arcane Ramblers 4pm to 5:15pm

Jimmy Stadler With Stonedaddy 5:30pm to 6:30pm

Kit Kat Club 6:45pm to 8pm

Trick or Treat balloon glow after dark!


Morning Mass Ascension around sunrise 7am

Coffee, food and art vendors sunrise until 10pm